Saturday, May 12, 2012

5 Weeks Flown By

Well it has been 5 weeks since Levi was born. I can't believe it has already been that long. We went to the doctor today and he now weighs 9lbs 14.5 oz and is 22 inches long. He is doing a little better with his strider while he eats, but we still hear it. The doctor said that it will get better with time, but it could be years before it is all the way gone. His visit was nothing but good news. He is in the 50th percentile for height, weight and head size. He is starting to smile when we smile at him and he has been sleeping between 7 and 10 hours a night for the past week, which is definitely nice for us!

Chloe is still doing really well with him. There hasn't been any huge jealousy issues and she just loves to help out with him. She thinks that he needs a pacifier at all times and if he doesn't have one she tries to look for where he dropped it, even if he never had one in the first place. She likes to push him in the swing and is always curious as to what he is doing and where he is at. She does get a bit ornery and if she tries to give him his pacifier and he doesn't take it then she takes it and puts it in her mouth, if Levi is in the swing she likes to try and climb in too, and when we stop feeding him and put the bottle down to burp him then she likes to try and sneak away with the bottle. She doesn't drink out of it, but she likes to run off with it for some reason. She also gets this look in her eyes of mischief as she will go and do something that she knows she is not suppose to when we are feeding him because she knows are hands are full.

Chloe is now 18 months old and she is on the go. She loves loves loves to be outside and wants to be outside all the time. We have a little gazebo over her water table and little play set with a slide and swing, but in 100 degrees it is still pretty hot! She is talking and mimicking everything that we are doing. It is really funny, but sometimes it is hard to keep a straight face when we are trying to discipline her while she is mimicking us. She is definitely the little ham and she knows it. She has a small baby doll and Peter Pan stuffed doll that she carries around and pretends like it is her baby. She will put them in the swing and push them down the slide, burp them, put them to bed, and give them a "bath" in her water table. Its really cute to see how motherly she is becoming.

Zach's parents came out for a quick visit to meet Levi and to see Chloe. We had a great visit. Chloe loved having her "Mimi" (Grammie) and "Pup Pup" (Grumpy) to play with. We went out to Westgate one day and spent a lot of time relaxing outside in the back yard while Chloe played. By the end of the trip Levi was giving out some smiles so I'm guessing he liked having them around as well.

Now that Zach is back to work and I'm on my own for most of the day 4 days a week it has definitely been different. It isn't too bad, but there have been a few days when Levi decides he doesn't want to nap so I am constantly going upstairs and back downstairs and back up again to try to get him to sleep. I curse those stairs at least once a day. Note to anyone with small children and wanting to buy a house. DON'T BUY WITH STAIRS! I do try to get the kids out on a walk everyday so that way we all get out of the house, but with the temps rising it is getting a little more difficult. We did go out the other day and we were caught in a dust storm. All the sudden the skies turned dark and the wind picked up and dust was EVERYWHERE! Levi was completely covered by the stroller shade so he didn't know what was going on, but Chloe and I were not. I tried to pick a route back to the house that the dust wouldn't be blowing in Chloe's face, but I couldn't find a route that was entirely safe so there were parts where I was pulling the stroller rather than pushing so that way I could keep the dust out of her face. It was no fun, but we made it and only I had dust in my hair and teeth. The kids were clean.

I'm sure this next month will be full of change as Levi seems to change daily and I'm sure Chloe will find new dance moves as she loves to dance all the time! Enjoy the LOADS of pics from the last few weeks.

First attempt at a family photo
Second attempt at a family photo...we will get it one of these days
"Pup Pup" and "Mimi" swinging Chloe

Playing at the Neighborhood Park
"Pup Pup" and Chloe relaxing at Westgate in-between water time

Levi big eyed while listening to Uncle Jeremy talk to him

Trying to get Chloe to lay next to Levi for a pic