Monday, December 13, 2010

A Month Gone By

I can't believe that it has been a month already. Time has just flown by! Its been a great month and many days it just doesn't seem real. I often ask Zach "Can you believe we are parents" and then I tell Chloe "Can you believe that you lived in my belly for 9 months."

We've actually done a lot this past month since both Zach and I were off work for the majority of November and the weather has been just beautiful. We've been taking walks with Chloe to Subway, she was the hit at my office Christmas party and we've taken her to an outdoor mall for a good shopping trip. It is amazing that my biggest past time seems to just be watching her. I could watch her all day long I'm sure.

Now let me brag about how she's such a good baby. Of course I would never say she was bad, but she eats and sleeps pretty good and doesn't get too fussy. We've been very lucky that she hasn't had any uncontrollable crying episodes. She will cry, but nothing we can't handle. She normally has about 5-6 hours in between her feedings during the night so both Zach and I can get a good 6 hours each night. On Thanksgiving I saw her roll on her side and sleep for a few minutes. I'm not sure if all babies can do that, but I was shocked to see her actually roll herself on her side and keep herself there for a bit before she went back on her back to sleep. She has also started smiling a bit. I'm not too sure if she knows she is smiling, but in my mind she does. She will smile when you tickle her feet or under her arms, sometimes when we are just talking to her and most of the time when we give her raspberries on her cheeks or feet. Zach got her to giggle a bit last week. (or at least what he considers giggle) She had a big smile on her face and made a few little baby noises. She is very alert during her wake times and sometimes in between feedings if we are out on a walk or running errands she doesn't nap much because she is so curious about what is going on around her.

We went to the doctor today for her monthly check up and she is weighing in at 8lbs 12oz which is in the 26th percentile for her age and she is 21 1/2 inches long, which is the 68th percentile. The doctor said that she has a beautiful perfectly shaped head and she couldn't believe how alert she was through the whole appointment. Chloe was just looking around and following the doctor when the doctor was checking Chloe out.

The dogs have also been pretty good with her. They are very curious and Daisy is really protective over her. Daisy does not even want Buster near Chloe. It is quite funny to watch Daisy block out Buster or push him away. Chloe doesn't seem to mind the dogs either. They can bark all they want and it hasn't woken her up from a nap or really scared her at all. Hopefully she will continue to sleep through their barks.

Well I'm sure you've all stopped reading this by now and are just looking at the pics...